Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Police Racial Profiling Has Become a Growing Problem in the Fairfield Essay

Police Racial Profiling Has Become a Growing Problem in the Fairfield County of Connecticut - Essay Example Connecticut is a state in the US where police racial profiling has radically expanded. In towns like Milford, Stratford, Fairfield, Westport and Greenwich racial profiling has expanded to a perilous degree. Regardless of the expanding issue of racial profiling, the country is demonstrating little worry over this issue. As indicated by most recent investigates, it was discovered that blacks and Latinos are multiple times bound to be halted and looked by the police with no genuine explanation and doubt than the whites. What's more, this figure includes expanded inside the previous year. The minorities in any zone are generally the ones who experience the ill effects of racial profiling. It is for the most part accepted that the minorities of a country are the ones who are associated with causing riots, robberies, theft and vehicle grabbing. In Fairfield province racial segregation is amazingly disturbing. A large portion of the towns in Connecticut have a populace comprising for the mo st part of blacks and Latinos and, consequently, police racial profiling is regular in these zones. The whites blacks despite everything live separated from one another in these territories and don't want to befriend one another (Holbert 2004). The legislature has made guarantees that they will dispose of police racial profiling in the US and ensure that all residents of the nation are secure and safe. Be that as it may, the administration has neglected to do as such. Not white individuals are still once in a while halted and asked with no explanation. This has expanded the sentiment of antagonistic vibe among the blacks and Latinos for the white individuals and, therefore, they attempt to make inconveniences for the white individuals so as to deliver retribution. Numerous mobs that have happened in the earlier years were generally a direct result of racial profiling. The individuals of color request to have some sense of pride and when the police stop and search them without a cour t order and any strong explanation since they are dark, they feel exceedingly offended and this builds the sentiment of scorn for the white (Holbert 2004). As a security insurance, the individuals of color show their kids that they should take additional consideration while halted by a police in such a case that a dark gets into mischief with the last mentioned, they can without much of a stretch make it a significant issue and can even get you imprisoned on this unimportant offense. It is discovered that for a similar offense a white will be absolved while a dark can be seriously rebuffed for a similar issue. So a dark must be extra cautious while going up against the police. In spite of the fact that measurements plainly show that these are not the blacks who are significantly engaged with keeping illicit weapons and having drugs, yet about 70% of medication clients were seen as white when contrasted with just 15% dark and 8% Latino. It is the obligation of law requirement organiz ations to ensure individuals with no separation, however when the previous practice racial profiling, individuals won't have a sense of safety and safe. Following such practice, it is expected that the whites are the individuals who submit to the law while blacks and Latinos are lawbreakers, despite the fact that this isn't accurate. The white individuals realize that they are allowed to do whatever they like on the grounds that the police will never get them for little issues. So it is presently seen that the white individuals are extraordinarily engaging in road violations step by step and conveying drugs and unlawful weapons with them. To improve the connections among individuals, the police and law authorization organizations it is vital for individuals to be happy with the presentation of the police and at exactly that point individuals

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The novel Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk Essay Example for Free

The epic Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk Essay The epic Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk is a Generation X exemplary, so it bodes well that the movie got one as well.â Starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt as the different sides of a similar mind, executive David Fincher investigates the wild consumerist world that empties the humankind out of its casualties and replaces them with mechanical automatons.â The manner in which the characters in the film manage this issue, other than going insane, is through fierce showdown with one another, trying to cleanse their evil spirits and purify their spirits. Instead of only a smooth film about a rough subculture, Fight Club is the interrelated study of private enterprise and its dehumanizing effects.â The focal heroes in the film, Jack and Tyler, speak to two contradicting sees on industrialism. Jack is illustrative of an age of men sentenced to corporate toadyism, with passionate lives and speculations interceded through the charm of wares and goods.â No longer a maker of merchandise, Jack epitomizes a type of tamed lack of involvement, distanced, and without ambition.â On the other hand, Tyler speaks to a typified opportunity that declines the enticements of industrialism, while fetishizing independent creation from cleansers to explosivesthe extreme negative articulation of which is bedlam and devastation, the two results recently free enterprise (Giroux 12). Industrialism in Fight Club is reprimanded fundamentally as an ideological power and existential experience that debilitates and trains men, denying them of their essential job as makers and consigning them to unimportant instruments of powers that control them.â The significance of this isn't lost on executive David Fincher, yet the chief is less keen on battling abusive types of intensity than he is in investigating the manners by which men respect it. Opportunity in Fight Club isn't just distracted with the de-politicized self, it additionally does not have a language for making an interpretation of private difficulties into open wrath, and as such capitulates to the faction of prompt sensations where opportunity deteriorates into aggregate impotence.â Moreover, industrialism, for David Fincher, can just capacity with the libidinal economy of restraint, especially as it rearticulates the male body away from the instinctive encounters of agony, compulsion, and savagery to the more â€Å"feminized† thoughts of sympathy, empathy, and trust.â Hence, manliness is characterized contrary to both gentility and commercialization while at the same time declining to take up either in a persuasive and basic manner. When not offering a political expression, Fight Club works less as a scrutinize of free enterprise than as a guard of tyrant manliness married to the instantaneousness of delight supported through viciousness and abuse.â Survival of the fittest turns into the clarion call for legitimating dehumanizing types of savagery as a wellspring of joy and sociality. Joy in this setting has little to do with equity, uniformity, and opportunity than with hyper methods of rivalry intervened through the dream of violence.â More explicitly, this specific rendering of joy is predicated on legitimating the connection among persecution and sexism, and manliness picks up its power through a festival of both mercilessness and the denigration of the feminine.â Fight Club’s vision of freedom and legislative issues depends on gendered and chauvinist orders that stream straightforwardly from the purchaser culture it professes to reprimand. The counter consumerist topic and rough idealism of the film is depicted by New York Times pundit Janet Maslin who says: â€Å"Fight Club watches this type of idealism transform into something significantly more dangerous.â Tyler by one way or another forms a scaffold from the counter realist talk of the 1960s†¦into the sort of paramilitary dream venture that Ayn Rand may have admired.†Ã¢ The over-the-top dismissal of subjugation to industrialism shows itself in a dull, in some cases inconsequential bash of savagery. In any case, there is a point to everything and a technique to the franticness †freedom.â a definitive objective of the storyteller, Tyler, Project Mayhem is to free themselves from the obligations of adjustment to a culture they see as shallow and erroneous.â Though this feeling might be shared by numerous Generation X’ers and offspring of the 60s, the strategies utilized in Fight Club are social insubordination to the extreme.â The opportunity they accomplish is to a great extent a figment, yet advocated in the expressions of Tyler:â â€Å"Its simply after weve lost everything that were allowed to do anything† (Fight Club).â The film takes two hours of distinct, brutal, regularly chauvinist activity to uncover its message of simplicity.â However, a watcher must look past the blood, corrosive consumes, and bone-crunching punches to discover it. Works Cited:  Battle Club. Dir. David Fincher. Perf. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. 1999. DVD. Twentieth Century Fox, 2000. Giroux, Henry. â€Å"Private Satisfactions and Public Disorders.†Ã¢ Penn State University.â â (July 2000).â February 15, 2006.â Maslin, Janet.â â€Å"Fight Club: Such a Very Long Way From Duvets to Danger.†  The New York Times.â October 15, 1999.â February 15, 2007.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

How to Express Anger in Healthy Ways If You Have PTSD

How to Express Anger in Healthy Ways If You Have PTSD PTSD Related Conditions Print Constructive vs. Destructive Anger in People With PTSD Exhibit Anger Without Being Self Destructive By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 10, 2020 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children Aramyan / Getty Images It is common for people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to experience anger.?? In fact, anger is so prevalent in people with PTSD that it is considered one of the disorders  hyperarousal symptoms. Although anger can lead to unhealthy behaviors such as  substance use or impulsive behavior the emotion  in and of itself is not bad. Anger is a valid emotional experience that can provide you with important information about yourself, your environment, and how you relate to others. The Facets and Functions of Anger Certain emotions may feel unpleasant or uncomfortable, but they serve an important purpose. Emotions are essentially our bodys way of communicating with us. They allow us to communicate information to other people, give us information about our environment, prepare us for action, and deepen our experience of life. Anger is an emotion that is often about control.?? When we experience anger, its often our bodys way of telling us that that we feel like things are out of our control  or that we have been violated in some way. Anger can motivate us to try to establish or reestablish control (or at least a sense of control) over a situation. Given this function, it makes sense that anger is believed to be an underlying facet of PTSD and is frequently experienced by people with the disorder.?? Experiencing a traumatic event can make you feel violated and constantly unsafe. You may feel as though you have little control over your life. PTSD symptoms may make you feel like danger is everywhere and that there is no escape. The extreme fluctuations of internal experience that occur in PTSD (for example, constantly shifting between emotional numbing and intense anxiety) can also make you experience your inner life as chaotic and out of control.?? These feelings, in turn, can cause anger. Anger is a valid emotion that can often be constructive, but it also has the potential to be destructive. The Link Between PTSD, Anger, and Irritability Constructive Anger In her book Seeking Safety (a well-known treatment developed for people with  PTSD and substance use) Dr. Lisa Najavits describes constructive anger as anger that can be healing.?? Constructive anger is often not as strong as destructive anger. It is also something that can be explored or examined to help you better understand your situation, other people, and yourself. Further, for anger to be constructive, a person must also be aware of it.?? Constructive anger is something that can be managed. But to do so, you have to recognize your own needs and the needs of others. As an example of constructive anger, lets say that a friend cancels an important lunch date with you at the last minute. By approaching your anger and listening to what it is telling you, you might be motivated to talk to your friend about how you were upset by the last-minute cancellation and come up with ways to make sure that it doesnt happen again. Here, your anger is being used to take control of the situation and maintain your self-respect. Destructive Anger Destructive anger is expressed in an unhealthy way and causes harm.?? For example, a person may act out aggressively towards others. The anger might also be turned inward, resulting in deliberate self-harm or substance use. Destructive anger tends to be frequent and strong. In PTSD, these feelings can be even more intense. Sometimes, a person may be unaware of their anger or, if they are aware, they may try to suppress or avoid it.?? When anger is not attended to, it usually will only get stronger. As the emotion grows, the likelihood that it will be expressed in an unhealthy, potentially harmful way increases. Destructive anger can work in the short-term because it releases tension; however, it is associated with long-term negative consequences. For example, if you were to respond to your friend (from the example above) by yelling at him or cutting off all ties with him, you could lose a friendship and an important source of social support. If you took the anger out on yourself, you wouldnt learn how to adequately cope with the situation, increasing the likelihood that it would occur again in the future. Managing Your Anger Anger can be a difficult emotion to manage, especially if you have PTSD. However, if you listen to your anger and attempt to connect with the information that it is giving you, it will help you learn to better respond to your environment. Understanding why anger is present often makes it feel less chaotic and unpredictable. The 7 Best Online Anger Management Classes There are healthy ways of managing anger and any other intense emotion you might feel overwhelmed by. For example, self-soothing skills or taking a time-out. Finally, seeking out social support can also be an effective way to cope with and manage anger. Other emotion regulation strategies can also help. As previously discussed, the Seeking Safety method includes coping strategies for anger as well as the other symptoms of PTSD. If you have been pushing down your anger for some time, it may initially feel very uncomfortable to approach it. It also may feel very intense or out of control. However, the more you approach your anger, listen to it, and respond to it in a healthy way, the more your tolerance for anger will increase, and the long-term negative consequences of not dealing with anger will decrease. Effective Anger Management Techniques for PTSD

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Capital Equipment Leasing Strategic Human Resource...

CEL Capital Equipment Leasing Strategic Human Resource Development Plan A Proposal by Tim Bowles OMM-618 Strategic Management in Human Resources Management Instructor Prof. Maja Zelihic May 12, 2015 Executive Summary As Capital Equipment Leasing continues to grow, the need to establish a more mature HR Development program that responds to the company’s needs to succeed in a fast growing market. Traditional values include optimism about the future. The contents of this report are equivalent to those of the venture/investment profession. For the ease of meaning, the terms report, study, research, etc., are used inter-changeably. What are the levels of profits realized in this type industry? Will this type venture†¦show more content†¦With continuing HR strategies such as these, the knowledge and skills of the company’s employees become the company’s competitive edge. Training and Experience In this equipment leasing business, the owner-manager is the business. His or her HR development programs will determine if equipment leasing is a success, failure, or just gets by. A good strategic HR plan helps managers to align organizational goals, competencies, and the workers needs to perform they job better. Program Objectives The goal of this report is to put forth a set of strategies to assists both the Human Resource Development Department in training and promoting of leasing and sales personnel. o Identify each of the principles of office training and describe at least one in which the principle is applied in an effective training program. o Describe the essential training tasks that must be provided in the development of an office-training program. o To list the outcomes to be realized by a firm that conducts high volume sales. o Describe the methods and techniques commonly used in conducting an initial training program for high volume leasing and sales. o Identify the methods and techniques of group instruction that may be used in supervisory training and development programs. o Describe the essential characteristics of a successful promotion plan and list the factors that should be considered in promotion decisions. To increase your

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Black Lives During The Harlem Renaissance - 1373 Words

Black Lives During the Harlem Renaissance New Negro Movement, the elegant roaring times of the Billie Holidays’, Dorothy Wests’, and the Augusta Savages’. The rebirth of African American arts, took place in Harlem, New York in the early 1920’s. The New Negro Movement was utilized to describe African American as artistic, conscious, sophisticated. The Great Migration was the movement of 6 million African Americans who began to move from the rural southern parts of the United States to the Northeast and Midwest parts the United States. The migration of African Americans first began approximately in 1910 and ended in 1930, which was 1.6 million people moved to industrial cities. The Second Great Migration, around 1940 and ended around 1970, which began after the Great Depression and bought at least 5 million people. By the end of the Second Great Migration, according to Wikipedia, African Americans had become an urbanized population. These people who would on e day leave their soulful marks on the planet, migrated to North to seek better education, job security, and higher wages. This â€Å"American dream† illusion was very short lived. You would think that once African Americans moved from the racist South, the North would be perfect utopia. Although they were free from the violence and the hatred that oppressed them in the South. Migrators soon realized they have not reached the promised land. As the black communities grew in the North, the whites who resented the idea of sharingShow MoreRelatedHarlem Renaissance : A Cultural, Social, And Artistic Explosion840 Words   |  4 Pagesexplosion that took place in Harlem between 1919-1929 became known as the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance was a great time period in history for blacks. The Harlem Renaissance included great artists such as Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, James Baldwin, and more. The Harlem Renaissance was a movement in which blacks asserted themselv es by embracing their racial identity and appreciating their African heritage. In my opinion the Harlem Renaissance gave blacks a sense a pride. It wasRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance s Influence And Impact1262 Words   |  6 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance s Influence and Impact The Harlem Renaissance era is known for its rich culture and being the source for many African American breakthrough artists such as Alain Locke,W.E.B DuBois, and Ethel Waters. . Whether it be the diversity of music, drama, art, or literature, it’s surely present during that period of time and still is today. Many questions about this time period include â€Å"How was Harlem life like back then?† â€Å"What is the Harlem Renaissance?†, and â€Å"How did itRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance1154 Words   |  5 PagesIV AP 16 November 2015 The Harlem Renaissance The early 1900s was a time marked with tragedy in America. Started and ended with the Great Depression in between, it was not America s finest moment. Prohibition was in place, the Klu Klux Klan was still marching, and the Lost Generation was leaving for Paris. But despite the troubling times, people still found beauty and meaning in the world around them. They still created art and celebrated life. The Harlem Renaissance was an artistic and literaryRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance By Langston Hughes1033 Words   |  5 PagesIn 1920, there was a new movement beginning called the Harlem Renaissance. After World War I, many blacks migrated from the south to up to the north to places like Chicago, Detroit and New York. The people in Harlem felt the racial pride and this caught the attention of many musicians, writers, and artist. The Harlem Renaissance period lasted from 1920 to around 1935. Even though this period was short, it still lives on though all African American artists toda y. According to in theRead MoreImpact Of Langston Hughess Contribution To Harlem Renaissance1697 Words   |  7 PagesLangston Hughes contribution to Harlem Renaissance Harlem was founded back in the 17th century as a Dutch outpost. Harlem adjoins New York City and host a large population of the African American Community. The blacks found New York City to be more accommodative to their culture and ideologies, during the great migration of the early 1900s, Harlem became the major destination and it became home to many African Americans. [1] Harlem received over time, Harlem developed from a farming village to becomeRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance : A Literary, Artistic, Cultural And Intellectual Movement1485 Words   |  6 PagesIII 26 March 2014 The Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was a literary, artistic, cultural and intellectual movement. The word renaissance means rebirth or revival. African Americans during this time were being pressured by Jim Crow Laws in the South. These laws separated the races tremendously (Roses). African Americans appeared ignorant, poor, and servile. Hate groups and hate crimes alarmed families, and they collectively decided it was time to make a change. Blacks, also known as ruralRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Essay1341 Words   |  6 Pagesbeginning of the chapter 3, Addison Gayle Jr., says that black critic today about how beautiful poem, melody, play, or novel had made single black man’s life. He also says that American writer an American for black honor attached. The one problem during the Renaissance was they had really short life there was no black people in it other than artists. Harlem Renaissance were first one to criticize black and white. They came to dominate Harlem Renaissance through cre ativity and culture. Madhubuti’s contentionRead MoreBlack And Blues - Langston Hughes1623 Words   |  7 PagesKelsee Robinson Mrs. Fiene English 12 14 March 2017 Black and Blues – Langston Hughes The Harlem Renaissance was a time in history when the African American culture had one of its most influential movements by using creativity and the arts (Hutchinson 1). This movement took place between 1918 and 1937 and was shaped by both African American men and women through writing, theatre, visual arts, and music. The purpose of this movement was to change the white stereotypes that were associated withRead MoreEssay on The Harlem Renaissance and Its Societal Effects 1133 Words   |  5 PagesWhat Is the Harlem Renaissance, and What Effects Did It Have On Society? Harlem was like a great magnet for the Negro intellectual, pulling him from everywhere. Or perhaps the magnet was New York, but once in New York, he had to live in Harlem(Langston Hughes, The Big Sea). When one is describing a â€Å"fresh and brilliant portrait of African American art and culture in the 1920s (Rampersad, Arnold),† the Harlem Renaissance would be the most accurate assumption. The Harlem Renaissance proved to AmericaRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1219 Words   |  5 PagesLangston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance The Harlem renaissance is an artistic revolutionary period that took place between 1917 and 1937. This was after the First World War. Harlem was a district in New York. The Harlem renaissance impacted the social, cultural as well as artistic aspects of the black community. Many black people were encouraged to flee the southern sides where the caste system continued to oppress the black people. At this period, racial inequalities as well as other social injustices

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids so Free Essays

GEVER TULLY: 5 DANGEROUS THINGS YOU SHOULD LET YOUR KIDS DO Welcome to â€Å"Five Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children Do. †Ã‚  I don’t have children. I borrow my friends’ children, so  (Laughter)  take all this advice with a grain of salt. We will write a custom essay sample on 5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids so or any similar topic only for you Order Now I’m Gever Tulley. I’m a contract computer scientist by trade,  but I’m the founder of something called the Tinkering School. It’s a summer program which aims to help kids to learn  how to build the things that they think of. So we build a lot of things. And I do put power tools into the hands of second-graders. So if you’re thinking about sending your kid to Tinkering School,  they do come back bruised, scraped and bloody. So, you know, we live in a worldthat’s subjected to ever more stringent child safety regulations. There doesn’t seem to be any limit on how crazy  child safety regulations can get. We put suffocation warnings on all the — on every piece of plastic film  manufactured in the United States or for sale  with an item in the United States. We put warnings on coffee cups to tell us  that the contents may be hot. And we seem to think that any item  sharper than a golf ball is too sharp  for children under the age of 10. So where does this trend stop? When we round every corner and eliminate every sharp object,  every pokey bit in the world,  then the first time that kids come in contact with anything sharp  or not made out of round plastic,  they’ll hurt themselves with it. So, as the boundaries of what we determine as the safety zone  grow ever smaller, we cut off our children from valuable opportunities  to learn how to interact with the world around them. And despite all of our best efforts and intentions,  kids are always going to figure out  how to do the most dangerous thing they can,  in whatever environment they can. So despite the provocative title, this presentation is really about safety  and about some simple things that we can do  to raise our kids to be creative, confident  and in control of the environment around them. And what I now present to you is an excerpt from a book in progress. The book is called â€Å"50 Dangerous Things. †Ã‚  This is five dangerous things. Thing number one — play with fire. Learning to control one of the most elemental forces in nature  is a pivotal moment in any child’s personal history. Whether we remember it or not,it’s a — it’s the first time we really get  control of one of these mysterious things. These mysteries are only revealed  to those who get the opportunity to play with it. So, playing with fire. This is like one of the great things we ever discovered, fire. From playing with it, they learn some basic principles about fire,  about intake, about combustion, about exhaust. These are the three working elements of fire  that you have to have to have a good controlled fire. And you can think of the open-pit fire as a laboratory. You don’t know what they’re going to learn from playing with it. You know, let them fool around with it on their own terms and trust me,  they’re going to learn things  that you can’t get out of playing with Dora the Explorer toys. Number two — own a pocketknife. Pocketknives are kind of drifting out of our cultural consciousness,  which I think is a terrible thing. Laughter)  Your first — your first pocketknife is like the first universal tool that you’re given. You know, it’s a spatula, it’s a pry bar,  it’s a screwdriver and it’s a blade. And it’s a — it’s a powerful and empowering tool. And in a lot of cultures they give knives —  like, as soon as they’re toddlers they have knives. These are Inuit child ren cutting whale blubber. I first saw this in a Canadian Film Board film when I was 10,  and it left a lasting impression, to see babies playing with knives. And it shows that kids can develop an extended sense of self  through a tool at a very young age. You lay down a couple of very simple rules —  always cut away from your body, keep the blade sharp, never force it  Ã¢â‚¬â€ and these are things kids can understand and practice with. And yeah, they’re going to cut themselves. I have some terrible scars on my legs from where I stabbed myself. But you know, they’re young. They heal fast. (Laughter) Number three — throw a spear. It turns out that our brains are actually wired for throwing things  and, like muscles, if you don’t use parts of your brain,  they tend to atrophy over time. But when you exercise them,  any given muscle adds strength to the whole system  and that applies to your brain too. So practicing throwing things has been shown to  stimulate the frontal and parietal lobes,  which have to do with visual acuity, 3D understanding,  and structural problem solving, so it gives a sense —  it helps develop their visualization skills and their predictive ability. And throwing is a combination of analytical and physical skill,  so it’s very good for that kind of whole-body training. These kinds of target-based practice alsohelps kids develop attention and concentration skills. So those are great. Number four — deconstruct appliances. There is a world of interesting things inside your dishwasher. Next time you’re about to throw out an appliance, don’t throw it out. Take it apart with your kid, or send him to my school  and we’ll take it apart with them. Even if you don’t know what the parts are,  puzzling out what they might be for  is a really good practice for the kids  to get sort of the sense that they can take things apart,  and no matter how complex they are,  they can understand parts of them and that means that eventually,  they can understand all of them. It’s a sense of knowability, that something is knowable. So these black boxes that we live with and take for granted  are actually complex things made by other people  and you can understand them. Number five — two-parter. Break the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. There are laws beyond safety regulations  that attempt to limit how we can interact with the things  that we own — in this case, digital media. It’s a very simple exercise — buy a song on ITunes, write it to a CD,  then rip the CD to an MP3 and play it on your very same computer. You’ve just broken a law. Technically the RIAA can come and persecute you. It’s an important lesson for kids to understand —  that some of these laws get broken by accident  and that laws have to be interpreted. And it’s something we often talk about with the kids  when we’re fooling around with things and breaking them open  and taking them apart and using them for other things —  and also when we go out and drive a car. Driving a car is a — is a really empowering act for a young child,  so this is the ultimate. For those of you who aren’t comfortable actually breaking the law,  you can drive a car with your child. This is — this is a great stage for a kid. This happens about the same time  that they get latched onto things like dinosaurs,  these big things in the outside world  that they’re trying to get a grip on. A car is a similar object, and they can get in a car and drive it. And  that’s a really, like — it gives them a handle on a world  in a way that they wouldn’t — that they don’t often have access to. So — and it’s perfectly legal. Find a big empty lot, make sure there’s nothing in it  and it’s on private property, and let them drive your car. It’s very safe actually. And it’s fun for the whole family. So, let’s see. I think that’s it. That’s number five and a half. OK. How to cite 5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids so, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Principles of Morals and Legislation

Question: Discuss about the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Answer: Introduction: Wayne Davidson is a software engineer with a firm named Occidental engineering, he is currently working in the aerospace division of the company. The company has won a contract from the federal aviation Agency for building software for the traffic control system. As this one was a crucial contract for the company, they have created a bid for the project. As the company was facing some issues related to the finance and works so this project was considered as one of the most important projects for the company. At starting the company got a deadline under which the software must be building and tested for the deployment. As the company was not in a condition to miss the deadline or recruit new peoples for the project so they worked extensively on the project and created the software before the deadline. At the time of the testing, the team has found some bugs in the software which has affected the overall function of the software. The project engineer of the company Wayne Davidson has c ontacted project manager Deborah for an extension. The request got declined by the project manager as it was impossible to miss the deadline of the project. This can impact the image of the company and the further contract could get affected by these moves. Wayne approached with a solution for the software bug which was found by the testers. The engineer has planned to do a patch coding which could help in fixing the bug found in the software (McFarland, 2016). Deborah declined this approach as the manager was not willing to deliver a loosely tested and build software to the Federal aviation Agency. This was under the code of conducts of the company and the service manual of the company. Manager Deborah has provided an extension of days to the project team so that they can fix the problem associated with the project as fixing the bug will require recoding, testing and this will require an extension of 1 months. The whole situation comes into a critical situation where the corporate ethics and code of conducts are needed to access. Ethical Dilemma: The story of the Wayne Davidson and the Occidental engineering illustrates different important points about the ethics of the work. As we know ethics is considered as Normality, it is about taking judgment based upon the standard which is right and which is wrong in some perspective. In the case study, Wayne and Deborah are arguing whether they should release the software to the FAA or they should not release the software. The discussion and the scenario are not about it but it is about selecting an ethical approach to a problem which has occurred in the organization. Wayne as well as Deborah is trying to choose the action which should be right as per the circumstances (McFarland, 2016). The judgment of the team is based upon certain standard and principles for evaluating behaviors. At a case when Wayne tells Deborah that he cant lie to the agency regarding the project as he doesn't want to deliver a bug affected software to the agency. In the case of Wayne, he is following the princ iple which supports this action. He can not make a statement which is untrue, this is the principle Wayne is following. In another case, Deborah is responsible for the welfare of the company and the peoples working on the projects. This is her principle duty to take care of the company needs and employees without harming anyone. There could be uncertainty and conflict within a company related to the decision and principles. As Deborah as well as Wayne is following a set of principles and duties regarding their works but none of them has ignored the safety concern of the peoples. The ethical behavior of two peoples generally describes all the required and assumed things (Quinn Seattle, 2014), (Bowman, 1994). Course of Action: In the case of these Ethical dilemma, Engineer Wayne and Project manager Deborah must select the steps which are as per the Guideline of the company and code of conducts (Kaptein, 2013). These are some of the steps which could be applied during ethical dilemma in the organization. Deborah and Wayne must address the concerns with the team related with the software. In other case they should interact with the FAA officials for a extension in the deadline of the project. Overall they must ensure the safety and law protocol of the aviation agency so that can so that the public interest needs to be addressed perfectly (OBrochta,2016). Potential consequences to the project client of accepting this aggressive bid: As a company, Occidental engineering has won the contract for this project because the aerospace division of the company was in financial trouble and out of projects at a time. This could be considered as a good opportunity to them. The software developed by the company has reported some bugs which may impact the proper functionality of the whole Operation. If the client company FAA accepts the aggressive bids there may be following consequences; The software has some problems in the coding and the testing of the software. In the case of overload, the software may miss a flight and each anti-collision equipment may not look over the flight. This can lead to an accident in the airport. Any kind of accident due to the software bug may become a subject of an investigation by the Government agencies and ultimately the project manager of the client company ay face trouble. The service company Occidental engineering may face some legal trouble or fine because of their faulty products. Risk of suffering as a result of this aggressive bid: If the project software gets accepted by the Federal aviation agency, there are chances that the contract company may face some trouble as they have created and tested the product and lied about the accuracy and the bug problem in the software. The project manager of the company Deborah, engineer of the company Wayne Davidson and other team members could face a fine of some sort of legal action from the government. If any kind of accident occurs in the case of the software failure the air traveler may get affected because they may be flying in the flight which went missing in the software and avoided all anti-collision equipment (William, 2016). ACS Codes: According to the ACS code of professional conduct , there are six primary values, which are needed to be followed by each member of the company or organization. They must uphold and advance the honor, dignity, and effectiveness of being a professional. Apart from this they must uphold their duties as a citizen of the country and act as a responsible citizen of the country. There is 6 code of conducts of the ACS, The Primacy of the Public Interest: The concerns related to the public should be kept in the first place as they are the primary stakeholder and their safety and interest should be above personal, business and other interests. The Enhancement of Quality of Life: A personnel must work towards enhancing the life of a person who is affected by the work. Honesty- Honesty should be considered as the best policy towards the works and the overall approach of the worker. Competence- A worker must work competently and diligently for the peoples who are directly or indirectly affected by his works. The professional Development-Each worker must work towards Professional development, they need to take a different approach towards improving the professional abilities. Professionalism- Each one should show professionalism. This is the code described by ACS. Each member needs to follow these codes for successfully. As per the policies of the ACS in the case of conflict between organizational peoples regarding any kind of project, the public interest and safety must be considered as the primary factor (ACS Code of Professional Conduct Professional Standards Board Australian Computer Society, 2014). Duties: In the case of project delivery after 3 days, there are some duties of the project manager and the engineer, Project manager: The project manager must ensure that the working team is perfectly and completely involved with the project and they will deliver the completed project on time. The testing of the software project should be under the surveillance of the project manager so; the project manager must ensure that he is engaging himself in the project. Duties of Engineer: An engineer is responsible for the Development and testing of the software to the client. In the case of 3 days before delivery, a project engineer has following duties, 1. An engineer must ensure that the project is working as per the requirement of the client. 2. He must ensure that the project is successfully completed and checked. He will determine the possibilities of failures and how he can solve the issues (Weick, 1995). Conclusion: The report is based on the case study of Wayne Davidson and Project manager Deborah, which was written by Michael McFarland, S.J. The case study gives an insight into the ethical behavior and dilemma within an organization and the conflicts. The report address this case to describe the ethical measure in a company, the case which was described in the story defined different dimensions of the ethical behavior in an organization. The report perfectly describes the ethical issues related to the case study and what principle they are following in the organization. I have described the ACS code of conducts which provide a way to the peoples to face ethical issues inside the organization. I have listed and described 6 different ethical codes which are proposed by the ACS. The duty of a project manager and an Engineer before 3 days of project delivery is also described. Reference: McFarland, M. (2016).Occidental engineering case study: Part 1. Retrieved August 30, 2016, from Quinn, M. J., Seattle (2014).Ethics for the information age: 6th edition(6th ed.). United States: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers. ACS Code of Professional Conduct Professional Standards Board Australian Computer Society. Retrieved August 30, 2016, from Bentham, J. (1981).An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation. New York: Garland Pub Kaptein, M. (Ed.). (2013).Workplace morality: Behavioral ethics in organizations. Bradford: Emerald Group Publishing. Bowman (1994).Ethical frontiers in public management: Seeking new strategies for resolving ethical dilemmas. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.,U.S. Benn, P. (1997).Ethics (fundamentals of philosophy). London: Taylor Francis. Weick, K. E. (1995).Sensemaking in organizations. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Mascia, A. (2014). Project manager: Leader, influencer e conflict manager.PROJECT MANAGER (IL)1923. doi:10.3280/pm2014-020007 William, M. (2016).BASF Ireland - home. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from OBrochta, M., Ethics in Project Management Retrieved August 31, 2016, from